Gale database
Millions of Americans have been profiled in collective biography volumes such as Who's Who in America and Women of Science. The Biography and Genealogy Master Index was begun in the s to index these names to aid researchers. The text has been updated periodically since the first edition appeared in , most recently in Gale high school database
Biography and Genealogy Master Index is a reference standard for libraries. It allows you to quickly determine where to find biographical material on people from all time periods, geographic locations, and fields of endeavor.
Biography and Genealogy Master Index contains names, birth/death years, and bibliographic references to books containing material on that person.
Biography and Genealogy Master Index contains names, birth/death years, and bibliographic references to books containing material on that person. All source citations include full bibliographic details.This database is an essential tool for locating persons who appeared in a "Who's Who" publication in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Biography and Genealogy Master Index (BGMI) is an index to a large number of current and retrospective biographical compilations. By searching BGMI you can determine which publication to consult for biographical information.
Research databases
The Biography and Genealogy Master Index (BGMI) was a printed reference index, and is currently a proprietary database published by the Gale Research Company. The database indexes more than 15 million individuals, living and deceased, covered in more than biographical reference sources. Biography and genealogy master index database pdfBiography and genealogy master index database templateBiography and genealogy master index database softwareBiography and genealogy master index database download Is gale database free
Comprehensive index to current and retrospective biographical dictionaries and who's whos. Includes biographies on over 3 million people from the beginning of time through the present.
Biography and genealogy master index database |
Biography and Genealogy Master Index is a reference standard for libraries. |
Biography and genealogy master index database search |
The database indexes more than 15 million individuals, living and deceased, covered in more than 1700 biographical reference sources. |
Biography and genealogy master index database list |
This is a comprehensive index to more than 13 million biographical sketches covering both contemporary and historical figures throughout the world. |
Biography and genealogy master index database free |
Biography and Genealogy Master Index is a comprehensive index to more than 12.7 million biographical sketches in more than 3400 volumes and editions of. |
Gale az database
Biography and genealogy master index: a consolidated index to more than 3,, biographical sketches in over current and retrospective biographical.
Online database
Subjects: Biography, Genealogy, History Notes: Listings are from English-language biographical dictionaries, subject encyclopedias, and related works. Listings often provide birth and death years, as well as giving the source of the biographical listing, publisher, year of publication, and other pertinent data. Research database for students
Biography -- Indexes, Genealogy -- Indexes, United States -- Biography -- Indexes, United States -- Genealogy -- Indexes Publisher Detroit, Mich.: Gale Research Co. Collection internetarchivebooks; printdisabled; inlibrary Contributor Internet Archive Language English Volume Item Size G. Biography and Genealogy Master Index - Gale Biographical material on people from all time periods, geographic locations, and fields of endeavor. Provides detailed information on over 6 million people, living and deceased, from all fields of activity, covering more than 2, years of human history. Combined index that identifies 15+million entries in over 1, biographical sources. International coverage. antiquity+ Access Database. Biography Index. A cumulative index to biographical material in books and magazines. Volume September, August, New York: H. W. Wilson Co., (BioIn 30) Biography Index. A cumulative index Willoughby - Biography & Genealogy Master Index (BGMI) - Page 1 of