Cornelis de houtman route to indonesia maps

Cornelis de Houtman - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

A map of the route of the fleet within the bounds of the Portuguese sphere under the treaties of Tordesillas and Zaragoza, displaying the Dutch geographical knowledge at the time. The fleet of Cornelis de Houtman.

Cornelis de Houtman - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ...

  • Late 16th century antique world map by de Bry showing the outbound and return routes of Cornelis De Houtman’s pioneering voyage to the East Indies between April and August that was published in Part III of the German edition and the Latin edition of Theodore De Bry’s Petit Voyages.

  • cornelis de houtman route to indonesia maps
    1. S2A3 Biographical Database of Southern African Science

    Cornelis de Houtman, born in in Gouda, the Netherlands, was a pivotal figure in the Age of Exploration. He is best remembered as the commander of the first Dutch fleet to the East Indies (modern-day Indonesia) from to

    The Dutch Pioneering Voyage to the East Indies - Indonesia Expat

    A rare antique map showing the outbound and return routes of de Houtman’s pioneering voyage to the East Indies between April and August , the map covers the whole route from Amsterdam to Java and back.
      Cornelis de Houtman was a Dutch explorer who discovered a new sea route from Europe to Indonesia and who thus begun the Dutch spice trade.
    This map shows the route of the first Dutch expedition to Southeast Asia in Led by Cornelis de Houtman, it was an attempt to enter the spice trade. The route crosses east over the Indian Ocean, circles the island of Java, and returns west.
      This famous pioneering voyage, commanded by Cornelis de Houtman, would abruptly end the Portuguese Empire ́s trade monopoly for the East.
    A map published in the year showing the outbound and return routes of the Dutch pioneering voyage to the East Indies between April and August The map covers the whole route from Amsterdam to the Indonesian archipelago in search of the Spice Islands.
    Cornelis de houtman route to indonesia maps The First Dutch Expedition to the East Indies (Dutch: Eerste Schipvaart) was an expedition that took place from 1595 to 1597.
    Cornelis de houtman route to indonesia maps google maps The main purpose of this general map was to depict the route of the first Dutch fleet to sail to the East Indies in 1595-97.
    Cornelis de houtman route to indonesia maps free Late 16th century antique world map by de Bry showing the outbound and return routes of Cornelis De Houtman's pioneering voyage to the East Indies.
    Cornelis de houtman route to indonesia maps location Old, antique sea chart showing the route of the first Dutch fleet to Java taken by De Houtman in 1595-97, published by Th. de Bry. Cartographer: Cornelis Claesz.
  • The Spice Islands of Indonesia: A Brief History Told Through ...
  • The Spice Islands of Indonesia: A Brief History Told Through ...

    Cornelis de Houtman (2 April 1 September ), brother of Frederick de Houtman, was a Dutch explorer who discovered a new sea route from Europe to Indonesia and who thus begun the Dutch spice trade. At the time, the Portuguese Empire held a monopoly on the spice trade, and the voyage was a s.
  • Cornelis de houtman route to indonesia maps directions
  • Cornelis de houtman route to indonesia maps printable
  • Cornelis de houtman route to indonesia maps satellite
  • Cornelis de houtman route to indonesia maps images

  • Ekspedisi Cornelis de Houtman: Awal Mula Kontak Belanda ...

    Cornelis de Houtman (lahir di Gouda, Holland Selatan, Belanda, 2 April – meninggal di Aceh, 1 September pada umur 34 tahun) [1] adalah seorang penjelajah Belanda yang menemukan jalur pelayaran dari Eropa ke Indonesia dan berhasil memulai perdagangan rempah-rempah bagi Belanda.
  • Cornelis de Houtman - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ...

  • Descriptio hydrographica accommodata ad battavorum ... Cornelis de Houtman was taught navigation in Amsterdam by Robbert le Cannu. He and his brother Frederik were sent to Lisbon by a group of nine Amsterdam merchants towards the end of to gather information about the sea route to the East and trading prospects there.
  • Antique map of the Dutch first fleet to the East Indies by ... Cornelis de Houtman adalah tokoh kunci dalam sejarah perdagangan rempah-rempah Belanda, yang pada akhirnya mengantarkan Belanda menjadi kekuatan kolonial utama di Indonesia. Kapan Cornelis de Houtman berlayar ke Indonesia?Cornelis de Houtman memimpin ekspedisi pertama Belanda ke Hindia Timur pada tahun
  • Cornelis de Houtman: Ekspedisi Pertama Belanda ke Indonesia ... Cornelis de Houtman, a Dutch explorer, was the first to discover the sea route from Europe to the Indies - now Indonesia. At first he made an expedition just to buy spices. However, lately he started making trouble. It is said that his second expedition marked the start of the Dutch colonial period against Indonesia.

  • 2. Kedatangan di Pelabuhan Banten Setelah tiba di Banten, Cornelis de Houtman dan krunya mencoba menjalin hubungan dengan penguasa Kesultanan Banten. Awalnya, mereka diterima dengan baik karena penguasa lokal melihat kedatangan Belanda sebagai peluang untuk mengurangi ketergantungan pada pedagang Portugis yang telah lama mendominasi perdagangan di wilayah tersebut.